After having long experience and performance with couple of portals we are here to launch a new unique process for small centers and freelancer. This work is very much earning potentials and good opportunity for the centers which are in the loss due to current market situation. The process is all about to work on couple of portal where buyers are putting their requirement and worker, advertiser, publisher providing solution through their skill. The main advantage of this work are you will be getting training through portal, no charges for registration and working under the big brands.
Below is some of the process involved in such kind of work.
1. Post ad on craigslist, KIJIJI kind of classified sites.
2. Article writing of assignment writing
3. Find the details of given task like hotel, restaurant, company using Google search
4. Answer the short survey
5. Verify business information through call
6. Find the contact details of new business
7. Write short answer to given question
8. Identify product and company in paragraph
9. Blog and forum posting
10. Create blogger account and blog
11. Create email address, face book , twitter kind of accounts
12. Data collection and data mining
13. Affiliate marketing and many more……..
This kind of more than 700 category are available to work on, payment is directly coming to you on your PayPal account. Payment is also depending on the task given to you starting from $0.01 to $10.00 for one task.
About the security part of the process, the company has assigned the portal like if one task is given to you then it will not be given to any other person but you need to complete it in given time limit. If you are unable to finish in given time limit then whatever work you have done you will get paid for that and rest they will assign to other person.
Pay one time charge of $50 to get the process
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